Registering domains sometimes is not straightforward. can help you track the domain you want! The domain registration process may sometimes take a lot of manual effort and research to choose a domain of your choice with desired TLDs (top-level domain) like .com, .io, etc.
You can now register a domain or keep track of one that you were always looking forward to. At, you get the power to get the domains insights through automation. So what do you get?
Track your desired domain with different TLDs
Tracking a domain is easy with our platform. You can simply submit a domain that you want to track. Our platform allows you to add multiple TLDs to follow. For example, if you're going to follow the domain name “,” you have an option to track different TLDs as below:,,,, and
Once you submit your tracked domain(s), you can track the following information: Domain Availability, Details on domain’s expiry, Tagging of owned domains
We also offer additional domain information so that you know you are making the right choice. No of backlinks to a domain is extremely important for SEO. It is possible that are trying to buy domain with high number of backlinks. If that is the case, our tool is available to you for help. Following back links tracking is available on Tracking Backlinks through Alexa, Tracking Open Backlinks